Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Psychology: Stress and Well Being

Health Psychology: Stress and Well Being Shavonia Finley PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology Destiny Champion February 14, 2011 Health Psychology: Stress and Well Being In everyone’s life a little stress must fall. We all have to deal with daily hassles and various personal stressors that effect our emotional and physical health. The manner in which we deal with these stressors can alleviate or reduce stress or it can make things worse. Mind and body issues have bemused philosophers and psychologists since the ancient Greeks; however recently a new subfield in psychology has immerged to investigate the subject. Health psychology focuses on psychological factors and how they relate to wellness and illness. This would include prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various medical ailments. More specifically, psychoneuroimmunology is a growing field dedicated to examining how psychological factors, the immune system, and the brain work together. For most people life is filled with small hassles that recur on a regular basis. Busy schedules at home and at work coupled with a traffic filled commute before your day even gets going can cause stress. These stressors are known as background stressors and are the most easily dealt with. They are the daily hassles that irritate us, do not require much coping, and are soon forgotten. Other background stressors can be classified as long term, chronic problems. Dissatisfaction with work, a relationship that is not fulfilling, or a culmination of minor stressors can manifest into health problems such as psychological symptoms, backaches, sore throat, or even the flu [ (Feldman, 2009) ]. The opposite of the daily hassle is uplifts. These are those positive little things that make us feel good. Uplifts are usually temporary, but when we experience more uplifts than stressors we experience less psychological symptoms. An example of an uplift might be something like getting a compliment or completing a task. Stressors such as the terrorist attack in 2001 or Hurricane Katrina in 2005 are classified as cataclysmic events. Cataclysmic events are experienced by many people at once and usually do not have potent, lingering effects. Social support is abundant because so many people share the same first-hand account of the event and can understand each other’s feelings. Another major category of stressors is personal stressors. This would be brought on by things that are more personal such as the loss of a job or the death of a loved one. These types of stressors yield an immediate response that tapers over time allowing us to better cope. How we initially react to a stressor shows that there is a direct link between our mental and physical functions. Walter Cannon’s research in biological psychology, early in the 20th century, led him to describe the â€Å"fight or flight† response of the sympathetic nervous system to perceived threats to physical or emotional security (Feldman, 2009). The body reacts with an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, increase in perspiration, hearing and vision become more acute, and the hands and feet become cold due to blood being directed to large muscles in preparation for fight or fleeing. Hans Selye took this a little further and popularized the concept of stress in the 1950’s. His theory, which he called general adaption syndrome, suggests all individuals have the same or similar response to threatening situations. He believed that not only did the sympathetic nervous system respond, but also the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland. The theory is that enough epinephrine, or adrenaline, is produced to focus the body on immediate self preservation and shut down other functions such as digestion, reproduction, tissue repair, and the immune system. A constant threat or stressor would leave these functions inhibited and cause the individual to be susceptible to illness (Richmond, 1997). This inhibition of bodily functions can also exacerbate an existing illness. There are three stages; alarm and mobilization when the stressor is realized, resistance or the attempt to cope, and if coping was not adequate, exhaustion and the onset of negative consequences. One example of how stress can leave someone vulnerable to illness is clear when we look at the case of an adolescent girl named Tatiana. Tatiana has had to take on parental responsibilities for her little sister for the past several years, giving up all social time with her friends to do so. She has also had knowledge of the financial difficulties her parents have had to deal with recently. To make matters worse, she has had to move from her home, just as she is starting middle school, to a whole new state. Recently she presented with severe abdominal pains from constipation. None of the over-the-counter remedies helped and she was admitted to the hospital. She was diagnosed with a virus that paralyzed her intestines so the doctor gave her antibiotics and a special diet to follow. Unfortunately, her condition continued to decline and the doctors decided her symptoms were psychosomatic, implying her illness was not real. She eventually lost all muscle function in her arms and legs and was confined to a wheelchair. She then was enrolled in a program run by a health psychologist designed to treat psychophysiological disorders. Since her physical ailments were already being treated by a pediatrician they could concentrate on the psychological and emotional difficulties and how they all interacted. After two months in the program, Tatiana is now able to walk on her own and is no longer having digestive difficulties. As she has stated, â€Å"I was very angry with my parents. They never asked me what I wanted. They treat me like a baby, but they want me to do grown-up stuff. I hated them for that† (Wells, 2011). While Selye’s theory has impacted our understanding of stress, it has also been challenged. His theory suggests that no matter what the stressor, the biological reaction will be similar in all individuals. Health psychologists today believe the reaction is also determined by how the individual appraises the situation or stressor. For example, another adolescent in Tatiana’s situation may simply have acted out instead of becoming ill. The situation could have been perceived by another as stressful, but not unusual, therefore the different perception would result in a different outcome. Due to these differences in perspective, there has been an increased focus on psychoneuroimmunology and stress. Psychoneuroimmunology takes a broader approach to stress. It focuses more directly on the outcomes of stress; three main consequences have been identified. First, the physiological results of stress include increased blood pressure, hormonal activity, and an overall decline in the effectiveness of the immune system. Second, stress can cause people to behave in ways that are not productive and even harmful such as drug, alcohol, or nicotine use, poor eating habits, and a decrease in sleep. Third, indirect consequences that can cause a decline in health and the likelihood that medical advice will be ignored if ever sought. One of the biggest illnesses associated with stress is coronary heart disease. You may know someone who is always in competition with others, is easily irritated, or is overly aggressive. We all feel this way sometimes, but there are those who carry the set of personality traits know as the Type-A behavior pattern. Then there are those who fall into Type-B behavior pattern which is more patient, noncompetitive, nonaggressive, and cooperative. These two behavior types are the polar ends of a continuum and most people fall somewhere in the middle. Type-A personalities in males are highly associated with coronary heart disease. Hostility seems to be a key factor since it triggers the production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, increases heart rate, and raises blood pressure. When this response is exaggerated and continuous there is an increased incidence of coronary heart disease (Feldman, 2009). For most of society stress has been recognized as a part of life. Therefore people have devised many ways to control, reduce or tolerate it. These methods are known as coping and are often utilized in multiples. The most common methods of coping with stress are emotion-focused and problem-focused. Emotion-focused coping focuses on people trying to change the way they feel about or perceive a problem; like looking on the bright side. Problem-focused coping strategies include modification of the source of the stress; an example would be learning how to fix your own car to maintain and avoid costly repairs. Common coping methods vary widely in individuals. Most will choose healthy resolutions such as relaxation techniques to slow down the sympathetic nervous system. These include exercise, meditation, prayer, joining a support group, or any other activity that relaxes you such as painting or listening to music. There are also those who will choose unhealthy courses of action. For them alcohol use is the number one choice. Others may choose to use drugs, nicotine, overeat, or starve themselves. Some people choose yet another course of action called learned helplessness. This is when someone is faced with a situation that seems intolerable and they eventually give up. Their environment has ingrained in them that certain situations cannot be controlled or changed regardless if it can or not. The opposite would be the person with a hardy personality. They seem to have the most success with dealing with stress. This personality type has three distinct characteristics: commitment, challenge, and control. They usually throw themselves into whatever they are working on, they believe change is the norm in life rather than stability, and they give the perception that they can influence the events in their lives. Managing stress before it becomes too difficult to control is another aspect of coping. Having a healthy perspective of most situations will allow you to prioritize your life reducing the potential stressors. Also, having a realistic self image and reasonable expectations will allow you to set appropriate goals. The achievement of such goals will result in an uplift rather than a perceived failure. Once stress can be managed there can be a pursuit for happiness. Over the course of a life there will be times that are happier than others or not happy at all. In a study performed by Carol Ryff it was determined that happiness can be measured in six dimensions; prior studies did not include as many dimensions (1989). The dimensions described in her study would be self acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Her study surveyed 321 men and women of varying ages. Someone scoring high would possess a positive attitude toward themselves including their good and bad qualities. They would also show empathy towards others and understand the give and take of relationships. Autonomy is seen in someone who is independent and able to resist social pressures. Someone who has become an environmental master has a sense of competence in controlling external activities. Believing you have a purpose in life means you have goals and a sense of direction. Finally, having a feeling of continued development and openness to new experiences shows personal growth. Another study used the person-environment fit theory to compare work and family experiences to the person’s values and how they relate to stress and well-being. The idea behind the study was to see if the amount of supplies we value influences well-being when they increase and decrease. The dimensions looked at were autonomy, relationships, security, and segmentation. Person – environment fit theory says that stress occurs when there is a perceived mismatch between the environment and a person’s goals, desires, and values (Edwards & Rothbard, 1999). Cognitive appraisal is directly incorporated into the concept of stress. Basically, person – environment theory predicts well-being when there is a perceived match in environment and values. The opposite, or stress, occurs when there is a mismatch. The onset of stress will cause mental and physical strain and stimulate efforts to cope. There are three reasons why well being should be higher when autonomy supplies and values are both high rather than low. First, high autonomy supplies may consist of high supplies for responsibility and authority, in other words accomplishment and status, which many people value. Second, desiring and attaining high levels of autonomy possibly constitutes a supply for values pertaining to accomplishment and adjustment. Third, autonomy allows for freedom to allocate time and resources to meet life’s high demands. High control in addition to high demands gives people the ability to successfully cope with challenging situations, which leads to satisfaction and growth. The next dimension is relationships or personal connections with other people. People are naturally motivated to establish and maintain relationships. This is true at work and with family members. Relationships play such a dominant role in stress research because they provide social support that facilitates coping with stress and achieving well-being. When a person has a desire for strong connections with others it suggests they have achieved ambitious goals regarding social integration. The third dimension of well being is security, which is defined as â€Å"the belief that membership in a role is stable and likely to continue† (Edwards & Rothbard, 1999). An example would be the feeling of job security or security within a marriage. Security is yet another basic human motive. Finally, the degree of separation or insulation there is between work and family is segmentation. Keeping your family stresses and work stresses separate requires an active effort on the part of the person. Managing boundaries between the two allows the person to inhibit the transfer of stressful experiences between the two. The study of mental and physical well being done by health psychologists and psychoneuroimmunolgists is still relatively new and is opening the door to many new career fields. The opportunities for careers in health psychology in this country are plentiful. Medical settings, especially medical centers, have expanded their employment opportunities for psychologists. In addition to medical centers, health psychologists often work in colleges and universities, medical schools, health maintenance organizations, rehabilitation centers, pain management centers, public health agencies, hospitals, and private consultation/practice offices [ (American Psychological Association: Health Psychology, 2011) ]. In addition to the specific skills that psychologists offer to patients and staff in the medical community, psychologists offer a unique perspective that assists other healthcare professionals make certain that health care is helpful and cost-effective. Health psychologists have focused on how life’s ups and downs can affect our mental and physical health. They have stirred professional and public interest in how biology, the environment, and our behaviors influence health and illness. Their studies have provided us with methods of coping and anaging stress so it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The more we learn about the relationship between biology, our environment, and behavior the better equipped we will be at preventing, diagnosing, and managing chronic illness. References American Psychological Association: Health Psychology. (2011). Retrieved January 27, 2011, from APA Division 38: http://www. health-psych. org/abouthowtobecome. cfm Edwards, J. R. , & Rothb ard, N. P. (1999). Work and Family Stress and Well-Being: An Examination of Person-Environment Fit in the Work and Family Domains. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 77 (No. 2), 85 – 129. Feldman, R. S. (2009). Understanding Psychology (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill. R. L. Richmond, P. (1997). The Psychcology of â€Å"Stress Management†. Retrieved January 2011, from A guide to psychology and its practice: http://www. guidetopsychology. com/stress. htm Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness is Everything, or Is It? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological Well-Being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 57 (No. 6), 1069 – 1081. Wells, T. (2011, February 5). (S. Finley, Interviewer)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Law week solo Essay

The article details the growing world of businesses and the law’s need to keep up to regulate new developments. A lot of companies now offer services or products online in some capacity, making them an E-Business. Some companies operate almost entirely online, such as Amazon. Other companies that operate mostly offline, such as Coca Cola, still maintain some sense of presence online. As businesses grow in these capacities, they must protect their intellectual property. Intellectual property is the creative product of a business, often one that generates revenue. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights protect you from other businesses using your products without authorization, as well as protect you from using products that you may not be authorized to use. Though there are some precautions put in place already, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights, Legislation is constantly working to make sure all parties are protected as the world of E-business evolves. LEGAL ISSUE In 1 to 3 sentences, identify the legal business issues raised in the article. The article details the tactics practiced by cyber-squatters. When the internet became a legitimate vehicle to do business with, cyber-squatters purchased domain names that were trademarks of businesses. For example, Ford Motors would have to buy back the domain name to Ford. com to protect their trademark and not lose potential business. However, this was dealt with when congress passed the Anti Cyber squatting Consumer Protection Act (ACCPA). MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE Discuss how the legal issues affect business. For example, could the problems have been avoided? Explain. Discuss realistic solutions supported by sound legal and business principles. Protection of intellectual property is extremely important to any business. As a responsible manager or business owner, or even an employee, you must protect the creative asset of your firm. The internet had unforeseen capabilities to be a very useful business application. A company needs to be aware of cyber squatters, potential business opportunities, and take methods to protect their trademarks and copyrights. Cyber squatters are people who use domain names that are the same or similar to a well known organization. This is done with the intent of selling it to the highest bidder, often the organization itself. The intent is to make profits. Other times, this is done to generate more website traffic, which also usually leads to increased profits, all at the expense of the major organization. Cyber squatters also target new companies that may become valuable in the future by purchasing domain names before the company gets its trademarks and copyrights. When the internet was initially launched, many businesses did not foresee it being a valuable business application. It was written off by many, but some with foresight saw an opportunity to take advantage of these businesses. While many businesses did not enroll themselves in online ventures, cyber squatters decided to purchase domain names that resembled the businesses. This led way to a lot of cyber crime against corporations. Additionally, many businesses lost out on potential profits by not taking advantage of the internet. As stated before, the most important thing a business can do is protect its intellectual property. In addition to copyrights, trademarks, and patents, certain acts have been passed like the ACCPA to help protect businesses and people. While there are avenues put in place to help protect intellectual property, these measures are not entirely foolproof. The best way to protect anything is to have foresight and defend it before a problem arises. A new company or IP may be protected by seeking patents, copyrights, and trademarks as soon as the product or company has been created. While it may seem like a hassle at first, it can do a lot of protection in the long run. Also, a product can be the most creative and unique attributes possible, making it easier to prove bad faith in court. When a person or company has taken measures to protect themselves with copyright and similar precautions, they stand a much better chance of winning in the legal realm. This way, everybody is protected, and those who intend to do harm are far more likely to be prosecuted under the law.

Monday, July 29, 2019

FREECLAIM Solicitors Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FREECLAIM Solicitors Marketing Mix - Essay Example The video will rank high if more and more visitors view the video produced by the company. The links of the video will be spread all over the internet; a landing page link will be created which will be published with several articles. These articles will discuss the services that the company provides and these articles will even inform the consumers about the affiliations of the company. These articles will even inform potential clients about the various benefits that the company is offering to its clients and how well the company has performed. A landing page link will be posted within these articles so the people who want to view the video can land on the organization’s webpage and can view the video from the webpage and learn about the company. Two different sets of videos will be created for the company and these two videos will be posted on the main webpage of the company. These videos will be used to promote the activities and the services that will be provided by the organization. These videos will talk about the qualified associates of the organization who can help the clients in a different manner. These videos will even talk about the benefits that the consumers can attain if the purchase services from the organization. This video will highlight various legal issues experienced by consumers and how FREE CLAIM solicitors can help them resolve these legal issues. Viewers of the videos will not have to pay a dime to watch these videos and the information provided through these videos will be completely free of cost. These videos will even talk about the charges that clients will be paying for obtaining services from the organization. More details on the charges that will be levied on customers for the services provided will be detailed in the charges section of the website. No charges will be obtained for advice  sessions, advice will be provided free of cost through the website and through the telephone link provided by the company. The company will even call the client itself if the client uses the â€Å"request a callback† option. Calculations for the amount of compensation for the injured client can be calculated through the website and no charges will be obtained for this inquiry.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Family Counseling and Gender Differences Assignment

Family Counseling and Gender Differences - Assignment Example The gender difference is important in the family to be able to have dynamics in the interaction and the roles being played. One experience that exhibited the importance of gender roles and gender differences in the family is having different perspectives in decision making. The mother can offer a different view from the father, thus as an offspring, I can make decisions wisely. II. Homeostasis in the Family Homeostasis means stability within the family, thus, it defines the different processes and actions undertaken by the members of the family to achieve this state. There are different instances when this had occurred in the family. One example is when one of my parents needed to work far from home. The habit of seeing and having my father at home to ask advice from became one of the deprivations when he worked in a place far from home. Adjustments to such situation and achievement of homeostasis can be considered as long and tiring journey (Goldenberg and Goldenderg, 2008, p.84; Wo rden, 2002, p.3) III. Marital Skew, Marital Schism, and Emotional Divorce There are different situations in the life of the family that can affect each member. Examples of these situations can be classified to marital schism, marital skew, and emotional divorce. Marital schism can be defined as the failure of the parent to fulfill his or her role in the family due to preoccupation in his or her own problems, e.g. work, which can ultimately result to the undermining of the role of the other parent in the eyes of the children. This can negatively affect the family relationship and dynamics (Goldenberg and Goldenderg, 2008, p.104). Marital skew is the situation wherein problems and stress are encountered in the family but not enough to threaten the marriage. One of the main examples that define the concept is having one psychotic parent who is continuously dependent and weak. One negative effect of such a situation is the development of denials and distortions in the reality being view ed by the children just to cope with the situation (Goldenberg and Goldenderg, 2008, p.105) Emotional divorce or emotional distance is a stage in the relationship of parents in the family which occurs between the periods of over closeness and over distance. It is similar to the situation within the family experiencing marital skew. This leads to the situation when the distance between the two parents balances out and stabilizes to the point where there is the least amount of anxiety in their relationship and w0ithin the family (Goldenberg and Goldenderg, 2008, p.105-6) IV. Symptomatic Family member A symptomatic behavior of an identified patient includes motives of improving family relationships by expressing that the conflict is caused by other family members. This is expected behavior, thus, the main method of intervention is talking to the whole family and then to each member of the family to fix any conflict. The main target is to let the patient feel at ease first prior to the intervention that can help the symptomatic member of the family (Goldenberg and Goldenderg, 2008, p.20; Worden, 2002, p.3). Thus, when this happens, other members of the family should cooperate and prevent from making negative reactions toward the intervention to be able to help a family member in need.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Econometrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Econometrics - Essay Example Moreover, private sector workers under unions, earn 1.8599 dollars more, due to their access collective bargaining power. In a nutshell, a unionized private worker will earn 2.2951 dollars higher than workers in other sectors. The model estimated above was less fit as the included variables explained only 2.96%, (and 2.55% when adjusted for degrees of freedom), of all changes occurring to earnings(R-squared = 0.0296). To improve the fitness, the interaction of union with gender (female) was included in the model The extended model shows that, in general female workers earn 5.6292 dollars less than their male counterparts. However, female workers with collective bargaining power (joined unions), earn 1.5519 more. In a nutshell it can be concluded that a female worker in the private sector and having access to collective bargaining power will earn 1.0179 (0.6547*1- 0.6195*1 -0.5692*1 +1.5519*1) more than their male counterparts in other

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in Essay

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in other Contexts - Essay Example This is because home is seen as a place where individuals, more or less, strip off their social niceties and take up the appearance of what they really are and want to be. Home is seen as a relaxing environment as compared to the office or school. This â€Å"relaxing† environment in itself comes with certain advantages and disadvantages when it comes to media consumption. Home is the primary location for most of the media consumption in today’s technologically advanced world. As mentioned earlier, the two forms of media that have the most use are television and the internet. Out of these, according to a recent study, television is still the dominant media of consumption. (Crum, 2009) However, there has been a marked increase in the use of internet over the past few years. Media plays an extremely important role in our day-to-day life. It becomes a part of our routine without us even realizing it. It would not be wrong to say that we are tangled in a web of mass media, with no return. From television to internet to cell phones and radio, our life cannot seem to function without the use of media. The patterns of media consumption illustrate certain interesting aspects. Media viewing is seen as being determined by factors such as gender, leisure time and family orientation among others. Morley has talked about the ‘overall context of family leisure activity’ and how it affects media consumption. With regard to gender and patterns of media consumption, the most interesting case study was put forward by Bausinger. Whatever work that has been carried out in the field of gender politics with relation to media consumption is evidence of the societal norms and conditioning that human beings go through. The expectations of the society with a gender are taken at face value and followed for the rest of our lives, mostly. This is why even with regard to media consumption there is a distinct difference between gender attitudes towards media in a home environment.

Friday, July 26, 2019

To what extent does an understanding of the history and development of Essay

To what extent does an understanding of the history and development of business and the nature globalization help in our underst - Essay Example Notably, the founding of the history of business can be accredited to Wallace Don ham (Eibe, 2012). Business education originated since the Second World War and it can be accredited to the United States. Many of the business schools in the United States enrolled business history in their academic programs. Europe has been accredited for producing the first work on the company history. Additionally, in India, business education can be referred back in the 1960s where the Indian institute of management was among the first to implement business history in their curriculum. This study discusses the contributions of business history and emergence of globalization on the way of performing business in the current society. With that in mind, the implication of the understanding of business and globalization will be enlisted. ... In the same regard, understanding of business history helps managers to regain managerial and managerial techniques. As noted, the history of business has been in the limelight for quite a long time, however it is only until recently (late 1990s) that more effective work towards the value of business history was recognized. More importantly, an understanding of the business history helps in the development of the business and the economy especially in formulation of  strategies in the current rapid changing business environment. In 1996, a survey carried out by the management history division of the management Academy established, adoption of business history courses yielded a variety of benefits. Their research, formed as a basis for continued research in the contributions made by business history in today’s business. Indeed, the historical component of business on the following key points. History is an important aspect for understanding of the nature of human and his/her past endeavors, thus giving light on the present as well as future activities in a number of ways. A historical study expounds on the understanding of humanity and key lessons for human ambitions, aspirations as well as organizations. Additionally, history enhances communication skills and the ability to evaluate healthy skepticism and evidences to some opinions and propaganda (Know ells, 2008). It offers business studnts with an exerpt of development of a country economy and international economy, providing insights into the structure of industries as well as, evolution of business strategies (Gibson et al, 1999). Business history broadens business education through the focus on technology, business ethics, the corporate culture as well as government

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Portfolio in Islamic Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Portfolio in Islamic Commercial Law - Essay Example Meanwhile the second essay discusses how Islamic economic and finance can be the best alternative solution of ‘Responsible Capitalism’ from Islamic perspective. Relation between Islamic commercial law and political will of the state This section describes the relation between Islamic commercial law and political will of the state. It presents the development Islamic commercial law is inter-related with political will of the state. The notion is discussed by presenting a case study in the development of Islamic commercial law from early development until recent. In this case Southeast Asia will be used as a case study. The Sharia is made up of the ‘legal’ statements of the Koran and the Customs of the clairvoyant. Fiqh is an academic study, and juristic understanding of those sources. It is often presented as an ‘Islamic jurisprudence’. The word Sharia also entails these understanding. 1 The ideas are normally presented as different, although the limits connecting them are not completely presented. Muslim educators accurately criticise the expression ‘Islamic law’ for its malfunction to differentiate between phenomena within the society.2 The Sharia should be clearly distinguished from the territory law of Muslim- preponderance jurisdictions. Some justification processes do have stipulation in their statute, that the Sharia is the most important foundation of law. 3 Some have produced statutes founded on the Sharia, though; this is diverse from the Sharia essence the law. In the first situation, it is not more than the foundation, and in the subsequent, one of its indispensable attributes, its eventual influence, has been distorted, from Allah to the status. One exemption is Saudi Arabia, where Sharia is the law, other than this there are enhancement by frequent ‘regulations’ produced by the authority.1Sharia is an Arabic expression used to label Islamic by law. It initially referred to the trail p acked down by camels to a wet stream foundation, and the commonly used Arabic expression al-Sharia al-islamiyah could be turned into Islamic language. In the situation of Islamic rule, the technique is one that directs the virtuous advocate to ecstasy in life after death. The Sharia is not considered a sacred law by good quality of the area under discussion matters concerned, for these assortment far further than the ball of spiritual concerns firmly communication and lengthen to the humdrum affairs of on a daily basis.4 To a certain extent, its spiritual temperament is as a result of the Muslim principle that it emanates from exquisitely stimulated sources and represent God’s map for the appropriate grouping of all human being actions. Even though, Muslims have the same opinion that they are in touch by the Sharia law. The understandings of its necessities have been differentiated in the past depending on sectarian and school divided sections and, in contemporary times, also depending on the different notions of how the Sharia law is applicable to changed state of affairs of modern societies.5 The explanations of the necessities of Sharia law are controlled in the fiqh. In a universal intelligence, fiqh implies â€Å"acquaintance† or â€Å"knowledge,† except it is also second-hand in a more exact intelligence of Islamic law making process. Sharia

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women's Involvement During Word War II Research Paper

Women's Involvement During Word War II - Research Paper Example The importance of this lay in the immense economic and sexual changes that then gave way to new formations in the family and the workplace. This paper shall look at these and the role that women had to play in the Second World War that led to the changes that have been talked of. The creation of the fictional character James Bond can be seen in the light of the wound that the collective masculinity of the British suffered following the Second World War. This can be seen in the hyper-masculine rhetoric that Ian Fleming employs in this series of novels where he builds up the British agent as a super-male. After the loss of colonies following the war, British soldiers returned home to find that many of their jobs had been taken up by the women who had till then been a part of the home and the family. They had, during the war, since many frontline positions had been taken up by the men, taken up the posts of office workers that had been left vacant. This shows that the women were a part of the war that created a void in the land where the war was not an everyday reality as it was on foreign land. This shows that the records of bravery that have been recorded regarding the war have been masculine accounts that have been made to suit the male needs of history. There are also accounts that say that women, especially those women who are a part of lower class backgrounds, have always worked for a living and to supplement their family’s income. In the cases of people of African American communities, it has always been the case that women have contributed a significant part to the economy of the land (â€Å"The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During World War II†, n.d.). Such commentators look at the recruitment of women during the Second World War as nothing but a channelization of the energies that women had directed towards other fields towards that of the war. This direction of energies towards the war resulted in an increase in the social status t hat was enjoyed by women and women of all races. A lot of the women were a part of the Nurse Corps that was instrumental in the reduction of the number of the casualties during the war. They were also sometimes a part of the army that fought at the frontline. Apart from this, there were women who were a part of the communities that stayed at home and created items that were necessary for the victory in the war. This included those women who worked in factories so as to keep the war a well-oiled machine and also those who would collect blood and roll bandages so as to keep the work of the nurses going. This led to great improvements in the way the war was fought and was also a great morale booster for the people who were at the frontline of the war (National Women’s History Museum, 2007). Despite these changes, even during the war, women were seen as secondary to the larger idea of serving the interests of the men who were at the forefront of the war. They were mostly paid les ser wages than the men and they were also viewed with a great deal of suspicion. This can be seen from the fact that they were not a significant part of the trade unions that came up following the war. They were also laid off by many employers or were forced to work at lesser wages than the men who returned from the war. This was very different from the attitudes that were adopted by the people who had employed them when there was an acute shortage of labor in the industries. What the women felt following the euphoria of the victory of the war was a sense of betrayal

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping Research Paper

Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping - Research Paper Example There has also been a changing of attitudes over time and this has improved the conditions of the people with disabilities or human service needs. The paper attempts to outline the issues in human services as well as attitudes in for the people with human service’s needs. Â  Human services are categorized into social services as well as mental services to people with special needs like disability and mentally retarded in the society. Human services involve offering services to people who require services like mental health services such as trauma, mental conditions, psychological issues and those that would like to change certain behaviors in their lives. Social services are mostly offered at the society level where many members in the society need assistance for basic needs to improve their quality life. Social services are mostly offered to the members who have developmental disabilities, the elderly, victims of drugs and crime and people who might be suffering from issues of immigration or refugees (Woodside 48). Â  Professional services are offered to the needy people in the society as a result of developed centers which offers services to the needy people. Nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and other homes for the needy serve as good places to offer professional services. Family service programs are some of the best services that are offered to the needy people as the family workers offer a positive and safe environment where the needy people can be comfortable in. cases, where the needy people are catered by the agencies adopted, serve as a favorable environment to needy people because they feel a sense of belonging (Egan 445). Â  Mental health services are offered by specialists and professionals like psychologists who understand various mental needs of the patients and they have the skills for various needs.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nucor Essay Example for Free

Nucor Essay 1. What are Nucor’s resources and capabilities Nucor resources are considered to be the same as any other steel company (equipment, plants, employees, etc.). But to be considered the most cost efficient steel maker in the United States is a different conversation. Nucor manages their resources extremely well from control system, to the company’s culture that promotes efficiency. Management relations are described as â€Å"informal, trusting, and non bureaucratic†, that is a winning combo for a company. Another source of success was Nucor’s ability to stop equalizing freight, giving customers price plus shipping. 2. How would you assess Nucor’s resources in terms of heterogeneity and immobility? Nucor utilized two lines of business; the first line was composed of six steel plants that made steel joist frames. The second line was composed of four steel mills that used a industry leading mini-mill technology to supply the joist plants at first then included customers. Each division operated on its own (selling, manufacturing, accounting, personnel). Nucor’s immobility was exceptional as well, using around 150 trucks to ensure on-time delivery. They strategically placed plants in rural areas near their target markets, I feel that Nucor has a great position when it comes to resources and intern that makes them extremely competitive. 3. Using the VRIO model, how would you evaluate Nucor’s resources. In terms of value I would place Nucor as high. The resources they utilize gives them a good competitive advantage, and when you look at their culture internally they promote efficiency. Comprise that will strong outside relationships described as trusting, that is a high value. Rarity I would say low, there are tons of steel firms competing in the marketplace. When it comes to limitability Nucor has well developed a plan that is hard to duplicate (Job security, efficiency, ect.)so I would rate that a high as well. Organization is high also, no other steel company is organized to win as Nucor and that itself differentiates them from the competition. 4. What strategic recommendations would you offer to Nucor? Adding more plants is always a benefit, results in an increased market share. Also entering global market would be something I would pitch, countries like India pay top dollar for steel since the country doesn’t produce a lot of it. Keeping up with relationships of current clients to turn them into long term customers would help as well, this also avoids the cyclical demand that excess capacity causes.

District Sales Manager Essay Example for Free

District Sales Manager Essay The principle error Maureen made was underestimating how significant company culture could impact decision-making at every responsibility level. Even though Quaker had strict functional reporting lines, the organization supported an informal culture based on friendliness and openness. Most importantly, Quaker’s ethos required a high degree of influence by persuasion and charisma—not formal authority. Secondly, the communication vehicle that Maureen chose to carry and deliver her proposed plan was ill suited for interconnecting the plan and expectations. Instead of going with the organization’s pattern of utilizing personal relationships, teamwork, and the openness to express opinions and feedback, Maureen sent a memo directly to the titanium extrusion sales representatives. In the memo, she simply gave a rationale for making the change. In response, a District Sales Manager (DSM) called Maureen to ask for a more detailed explanation for the change due to its arbitrary nature. Therefore, Maureen presented her findings to the DSMs in a yearly sales meeting in the presence of the VP of Marketing. †¢Lack of empowerment from authority: Although Maureen’s plan obtained approval from her boss, Hugh Salk, there was never a statement from the VP of Sales to his subordinates (district sales managers and sales representatives) supporting the proposal. As seen in Exhibit 2, Lawrence Israel, the VP of Sales has direct power over DSMs. †¢Company’s hiring practices: Maureen was hired at a managerial position because she had a very attractive professional background that made her a highly desirable candidate for her role. However, this was not in line with the company culture that encouraged internal promotions rather than external hiring at a managerial level (‘Typically, managers who joined Quaker from other steel or metal producers found the company a confusing and frustrating place in which to work. For this and this other reasons, most of Quaker’s managerial positions were filled from within’, p2). †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Responsibility lines† structure: Due to the company’s growth, many managers and at times whole divisions were responsible to other departments even though there was not a preset hierarchy that linked them. This situation complicated to a certain extent the relationship between the product management groups and the sales force as can be inferred from the fact that the titanium DSM in Chicago had to report to two bosses (p5). †¢Sales force’s lack of adaptation: Sales representatives were assigned to accounts based on experience and usually had tough time cracking big accounts. This was in part due to lack of backing from the technical support services and sometimes from the RD labs as the larger accounts were more technically complex. It was also because there were no additional economical benefits to work on bigger accounts, thus harder work was not compensated in any manner (‘The Chicago DSM explained that a modest cash bonus existed, but that he did not use it, believing it had little effect’, p6). Hence, the only motivation for the sales people was closing a successful deal and working directly with customers which was frequent with small accounts. †¢Lack of relationship and communication: Maureen spent so much time analyzing the sales time simulations; therefore, she did not spend enough time getting to know other team members on the field. These circumstances did not favor building â€Å"trust† with the sales personnel and this lack of participation within the decision-making process hindered effective results (‘In response to the memo, one of the titanium DSMs called her to say that he had received several complaints from his salespeople about its arbitrary nature’, p8).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Morphological Properties of S. Cumini

Morphological Properties of S. Cumini Review of literature An attempt has been made to review the earlier work pertaining to the evaluation Jamun (Syzygium cumini Skeels) accessions based on morphological characteristics. Majority of the citations correspond to the evaluation genotypic characteristics and morphological variability of different accessions. There are large numbers of morphological attributes that are suitable to test genetic variability. There are only a few but important characteristics that have been evaluated for their greater applicability in assessing variability and acceptance to commercial use. The present study was therefore, undertaken with a view to determine the morphological properties of S. cumini and collect detailed information on these aspects. The citations have been presented in this chapter as per quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tree behavior, growth habit and fruit quality. Morphological markers Morphological markers have proved a reliable tool for estimating intra specific variability arising from different provenances at least in a few species. It pertain the traits which identified by visual observations and their inheritance can be monitored by naked eye. The traits included in this group are qualitative and quantitative characteristics they are generally scored quickly, simply and without laboratory equipments. Roy (1963) reported intra-organism variability which is governed genetically. Phenotypic variability of plant organs such as leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are most commonly used traits. Morphological markers have been in usage ever since taxonomic studies came into vogue. Their characterization powers are strong and are usually preferred for quick identification at the field level. Morphological descriptors in Syzygium cumini S. cumini is large evergreen and densely foliaceous tree with light greyish-brown thick bark and partially deciduous tree attaining medium to large size polyembryonic fruit species (Chase and Reveal, 2009). Leaves are 5 to 18 cm long, evergreen, oblong-oval or elliptic and opposite. The sessile whitish-yellow flowers with funnel-shaped calyx emerge in clusters containing 4 to 5 united petals. Flowers come in February-March and fruits in May to July. Fruit are berries, oblong to ovoid-oblong, dark purple colour with 1 or 2 to 5 white or green seeds. Rudimentary seeds are also found in S. cumini (Morton, 1987; Stephen, 2012). The seeds of Jamun are recalcitrant, multicotyledonous have multiple embryos (Swamy et al., 1999, Thoke et al., 2011). Qualitative characteristics Mitra et al. (2008) reported that large numbers of underutilized fruit crops, which are being used by the local inhabitants. In fact for people living in villages, these underutilized fruits are the most common source of nutritious food, to meet their vitamin and mineral requirements. Syzygium cumini is a multipurpose large, evergreen native tree occurs in the tropical and sub-tropical climates under a wide range of environmental conditions (Singh et al., 2004). The variability in existing germplasm of S. cumini for selection of desirable genotypes was recorded on fruit physical characteristics and much variability was observed (Singh et al., 1999). As majority of jamun trees are of seedling origin, they show tremendous variation in their morphology and Physico-Chemical attributes. The extent of variability increases when this highly cross-pollinated plant multiplies sexually (Singh and Singh, 2012). Among the locally available types of jamun (S. cumini) in West Bengal, India, 4 (typ es JS-1, JS-2, JS-3 and JS-4) were selected and studied for fruit shape and size. JS-1 (with 1 oval-shaped large fruit) and JS-2 (cylindrical-shaped, medium-sized fruit) showed high characteristics of fruit size. Fruits of JS-2 and JS-3 showed pear-shaped, medium-sized fruits (Kundu et al., 2001). A survey was undertaken in Gokak taluk of Belgaum district, Karnataka, India to investigate the nature and extent of variability present in jamun seedling progenies for morphological characters of trees. High variability was observed for the characters viz. plant girth, leaf area, petiole length and leaf length to petiole length ratio (Prabhuraj et al., 2002). Quantitative characteristic The S. cumini showed enormous variability from big (2.5 5 cm long and 2.0 – 3.5 cm diameter) to small (2.5-2.5 cm long and 1.0 -1.5 cm diameter), fruit weight (3.5 to 16.5 g) and pulp content (54-85 %) is normally grown in North India (Keskar et al., 1989). The blackish purple fruit showed the highest fruit length (2.1 cm), fruit breadth (1.3 cm), fresh weight (1.94 g) and seed fresh weight (0.38 g) (Srimathi et al., 2001). The study revealed that there was a wide variation among S cumini accessions i.e. fruit weight ranged from 3.42 to 13.67 g, length 3.31 to 5.26 cm, girth 5.21 to 9.82 cm, length: width ratio 1.44 to 2.3 and pulp percentage 58.57 to 84.55 (Devi et al., 2002). Patel et al. (2005) collected different genotypes of jamun from Varanasi and recorded highest pulp content (97.71 %) in V-8 followed by V-6 (95.84 %) and V-7 (93.81%) genotypes. However the genotypes RNC-26 and RNC-11 were found promising with regard to higher weight of pulp and fruit. The lowest or negligible seed weight (0.12 g) was noticed in V-8 followed by V-6 (0.16 g) and V-7 (0.31 g) and these genotypes might be used as seedless jamun. Prakash et al. (2010) observed that ‘Selection-1’ was most promising for fruit weight (14.55g), minimum seed weight (1.73g), higher pulp percent (90.05), higher total soluble solid (21.23%) and total sugar (20.24%). Shahnawaz and Sheikh, (2011) reported that weight, length, width of fruit of two improved cultivars of Jamun i.e. V1 and V2 were observed 9.55 g, 3.88 cm, 2.98 cm and 6.71 g, 2.73 cm, 2.10 cm respectively. The edible portion was 69.10 and 39.19 % whereas non-edible portion was 30.90 and 60.81 % in V1 and V2, respectively . Singh et al. (2012) identified the accessions CISH J-37 has bold fruit, oblong, average weight of 24.05 g, length 3.90 cm, diameter 3.03 cm and pulp (92.26 per cent). The another accession CISH J – 42, which is seedless accession and the fruit is round shaped, average weight 6.87 g, length 2.57 cm, pulp 97.9 per cent in the indigenous state. Bakshi (2013) carried out an investigation to evaluate the various mango genotypes on the basis of physico-chemical characteristics under rain fed areas of Jammu. Out of all the fifteen mango genotypes, the fruit weight was maximum in Mallika (182.16 g) and lowest in Selection-4 (64.83 g). The maximum fruit length (10.52 cm) and fruit breadth (6.98 cm) was observed in Mallika, whereas it was minimum in Selection-1 (5.26 cm and 4.22 cm, respectively). The pulp weight (117.15 g) and stone weight (35.60 g) was highest in Mallika, while Dashehari showed maximum pulp: stone ratio (3.90), while the pulp percentage was maximum in Mallika (71.48 %). For organoleptic rating, Dashehari was rated best in terms of colour, flavour and taste over all the genotypes. Rahman et al., (2014) carried out the study on fruit characteristics, yield contributing characters and yield of twenty one mango genotypes. A wide variation was observed among the genotypes in respect of different characteristic s under the present study. The heaviest (237.0 g) fruits with length and diameter of 9.50 cm and 6.87 cm were recorded in the genotype MI-Jai 005, whereas the lightest (95.33 g) fruits with length and diameter of 2.2 cm and 2.7 cm were noted in MI Jai 004 per cent edible portion were the highest in MI Jai 001 (66.86 %), while the lowest edible portion in MI Jai 012 (38.59 %). Several researches have been conducted to find the morphological characteristics of various fruit crops. Kher and Dorjay (2001) evaluated some low chilling peach cultivars for physical characteristics and observed fruit length and weight for Shan-e-Punjab and Flordsun as 5.80 and 4.74 cm and 56.95 and 80.86 g respectively. Prasad and Bankar (2000) evaluated pomegranate (Punica granatum) cultivars (Jodhpur Red, Ganesh, Basin Seedless, Dholka, GKVK-1, G-137, P-23, P-26 and Jalore Seedless) for vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality and for their suitability to arid conditions of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The Jodhpur red variety of pomegranate fruit reported 6.10cm fruit length and 170.6 g fruit weight. Jalikop et al. (2002) reported 4.74 cm fruit length and 82.50 g fruit weight for amlidana pomegranate with noted dull pink colour. Patel et al. (2011) screened eleven guava genotypes of five years old viz., RCG-1, RCG-2, RCG-3, RCG-11, RCGH-1, RCGH-4, RCGH-7, Allahabad Safeda, L-4 9, Lalit and Sangam, showed wide range of variation with respect to quality traits of fruit. The genotype RCGH-1 was found superior in fruit weight (184.50 g) and fruit diameter (7.08 cm) whereas, the cultivar RCG-11 recorded least number of seed (53.29 No/100 g fruit weight) with highest pulp: seed ratio (94.25 %). El-Sisy (2013) investigated some morphological and productivity characteristics of fifteen genotypes of seedy guava trees with for morphological characteristics, flowering, yield and fruit quality. The genotypes were analyzed to select promising guava genotypes for fresh consumption and processing to take part in improvement and propagation programs. The highest fruit weight was recorded in genotypes No. 10 (277.37 g) in 2011 and No. 2 (253.23 g) in 2012. The longest fruit was in genotype No. 10 in both seasons. All genotypes gave similar results for fruit width except No. 2, which was the biggest one. The highest firmness was in genotype No. 14 in 2011 and genotype No. 2 in 2012. The low seeds (%) were the best character for fruit quality and associated with genotype No 2 (1.294 1.121 %). Mahmoud and Peter (2014) reported that physical fruit characters of guava fruits and tree no. 99 was found superior one over all genotypes in term of fruit weight (300.5 g), fruit diameter (7.36 cm), less number of seed per fruit, higher pulp thickness (3.2 cm), higher pulp weight (271.7 g), pulp to fruit weight ratio (88.7 %) and maximum peel weight (28.83 g).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Global Music :: Art

Global Music The global perspective of music: we live in an increasingly smaller â€Å"global village.† With advance in worldwide transportation and communication and with increasingly mobile societies, it seems not only appropriate but also necessary to develop a global perspective of music. A global perspective of music is a sense of the lifestyles, traditions, values and the music of several nations and cultures throughout the world. An awareness of the diversity within our national boundaries that has contributed significantly and beneficially to the cultural richness of our land. The diversity of musical styles that exist in the United States includes Western European â€Å"classical† music (art music) and a number of â€Å"popular† music styles derived largely from Western European ways of making music. These styles include pop, folk, country, and rock. Other styles, including jazz, blues, and various ethnic music, are the result of a blending of cultures and traditions. All these styles constitute an important part of music in American society, styles that constitute â€Å"American music.† The ethnic diversity: part of the cultural richness of our nation is derived from its ethnic diversity and its large number of ethnic groups. Immigrant groups may have partially assimilated into the mainstream of our society while retaining the songs, dances, instruments, languages (at least accent and inflection), fashion, food, and lifestyles of their native cultures. In many cases, the merging of cultural traditions has formed new styles and modes of behavior. For example, jazz evolved in the early twentieth century. Music is vocal or instrumental sounds having melody, rhythm, or harmony. Also, music is sound that you want to hear as music, sound that is not organized in some fashion typically cannot be called music. Yet the roar of a waterfall, the sound of rain falling on a tent or the chirping of birds can sense but as pleasing, and these perhaps as musical, sounds. In fact, the sounds of birds, water, and whales and other sounds of nature have been taped and used in â€Å"organized† music. Conversely, all sorts of drum, cymbals, and gongs; harsh dissonant harmonics; and abstract, totally unsingable melodies have been organized into music. Artistic qualities of Music: music maybe folk art, high art, or at any place in this continuum. Much music has attributes of both. High art includes the classical music of the Western European cultivated tradition. It also includes the classical music of other cultures.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Evolutionism Vs Creationism Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Questions on the origin of life and of the universe must have challenged human curiosity and imagination as soon as early man had time for activities other than survival. In 1859, Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species, and since then, people have debated between the creationism and evolutionism theories. The theory of evolution has been supported only through various religious writings, particularly the Bible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creationists believe in a divine creator, God. Creationism has a broad range of beliefs involving a reliance on God’s miraculous work to explain the origin of the universe, of life, and of the different kinds of plants and animals on Earth. According to the creationist view, God willed everything into existence, and this is how humans came onto the Earth. Creationists say that the evolution theory is biased and incomplete. They believe that the fossil records fail to provide a link between diverse groups. To find out how old fossils are, scientists use a method called radioisotope dating, which measures the amount of uranium or lead lost over the years. Creationists deny evidence from this testing because they assume no uranium or lead has been lost over the years. The process of evolution, which all living things developed from unicellular organisms, over billions of years Exactly how evolution occurs is still debated but it is a scientific fact that it does occur. Most biologists believe that the modern theory of evolution arose from a history of mutations either physically or chemically and it is still occurring. All organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor from inanimate matter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The science of paleontology or the study of life provides the most direct proof of evolution in the past through fossil remains or impressions, usually in rock. Other evidence comes from comparative studies of living animals and plants, including their structure and geographical locations. â€Å"Mollusks and vascular plants account for more than 80 percent† (Futuyma 87) of the world’s species, with about â€Å"1.4 to 1.8 million species† (Futuyma 87) in all. Changes occur in living organisms to help increase their adaptability, or potential for survival and reproduction, in the face of changing environments. Evolution apparently has no built-in direction or purpose. A given ... ...atively, is definitely an important piece of literature. To believe that the age of the earth is only 10,000 years old does not support the validity of the creationists. To many scholars, the Bible is a figurative book of parables, not to be taken literally. The use of the Bible may be hindering, instead of supporting, the validity of the creationist’s arguments. It is clear that evolution is much clearer to understand and accept than the creationism theory. There will always be people who will still be curious as to how we appeared on the earth, and some people will oppose the evolution theory, therefore, the evolutionism/creationism debate will forever continue. Works Cited Creation Science FAQ Drew Thinks About Evolutionism vs Creationism. Futuyma, Douglas J. Evolutionary Biology. 3rd ed. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates inc., 1997. General QH 366.2.F87 Montagu, Ashley, ed. Science and Creationism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984. General QH 371.S343 Strahler, Arthur N. Science and Earth History. The Evolution/Creation Controversy. New York: Prometheus Books, 1987. BS 652.S77

Ibuprofen :: essays research papers

Ibuprofen Abstract The project that I chose to research was the effect of Ibuprofen on the heart rate of the daphnia. The reason that I chose to do this was because many people in society use over the counter pain killers without really understanding any of the long term effects of this medicine other than clearing their aches pains, and swelling. One of the leading drugs on the market today is Ibuprofen which you may know as Motrin or Advil. Both drugs are identical except for quantity and price, and even there it might be the same. The organism I chose to work with is a crustacean called the Daphnia. Later in this report I will attempt to explain the significance of that organism and why I chose to conduct tests on it. I then, with the information at my disposal, conjured a hypothesis which I would test. Using the materials at hand I, to the best of my ability tested my hypothesis. In conducting the tests I created graphs and tables of my work. At the conclusion of my experiment I came up with an answer that was almost unpredictable with the information that I was using. Although this was a crude experiment, I believe that I did gain a lot from it. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The drug that I chose, Ibuprofen, is an anti-inflammatory analgesic. It is propionic acid that is white and powdery, and soluble in water, and organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. (1) Its structural formula is: (CH3)2CHCH2 CH(CH3)COOH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Its role of action as a drug is not completely clear to the sciences, but that with time will change. One thing we do know is that people who have allergies to Aspirin should not take this medicine. (2)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As of now we know that it may play a role in prostaglandin synthesis inhibition. (1) Prostaglandin are hormonal like substances that form in animal tissue from polly unsaturated fatty-acids. (3) They do affect several body systems including the central nervous, gastrointestinal, urinary, and endocrine systems. It has been shown to have very minor effects on smooth muscle contraction and the clotting ability of blood which we are concerned with.(4) Excesses of these substances may cause pain, inflammation, and fever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is also an analgesic which is used to reduce or eliminate pain without causing a loss of consciousness. (4) Another name for these substances which we all know of is a painkiller.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A water flea or Daphnia, is a member of the subclass Brachiopod, in the order Cladocera. They are found in the plankton of open water. (5) What I was

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Impact of education on Iran post-revolution Essay

Iran’s capital is Tehran, which is also the largest city and acts as a center for the commercial, industrial, administrative, educational activities. Apart from Tehran, there are other cities like Esfahan, Mashhad, Tabriz, Shiraz, Ahwaz, etc. It was estimated in 2002 that the population of Iran was about 66,622,704, which was almost double than that of 1975 population. The population of Iran is made up of numerous ethnic groups; Persians being the dominant and largest group, who have migrated from Central Asia to Iran in the beginning of the 7th century BC establishing the first Persian Empire way back in 550 BC. they include Gilaki, Mazandarani. There are several other ethnic groups such as the Kurds and the Lurs. The official language of Iran is Modern Persian, which is derived from an ancient literary Persian language, which was written in the Pahlavi script; but in the 7th century, after the Arab conquest a new form written in the Arabic script developed during the 9th and 10th centuries; which formed the basis for the Modern Persian language used today. The official religion of Iran has been Jafari Shia Islam since the 16th century about 93 % of all Iranians follows Shia Islam, mostly of the Jafari group. In 1979 Iran’s constitution has assigned important political leadership roles in the government to the Shia clergy. Personal conduct and group behavior endurance of cultural values such as obligations to extended family, hospitality toward guests, and striving to act morally far predated the Islamic conquest of the 7th century and continued to influence the Iranian culture. In1979 with religious rhetoric revolution it was heavily imbued. The leaders barring different forms of entertainment activities such as casinos, nightclubs and dance halls, movies featuring nudity or sexual themes, and pop and rock musical genres. In spite of economic growth, strong Shia opposition led by Ayatollah Khomeini against the Mohammed Reza Shah has brought Iran closer to the situation of civil war; which was the beginning of Iranian Revolution resulting in the departure of Shah from Iran on Jan. 16, 1979. Finally on April 1, Ayatollah Khomeini declared an Islamic republic with a new Constitution reflecting his ideals of Islamic government. He also became Iran’s supreme spiritual leader (Valy-e-Faqih). As a consequence, many demonstrations were held to show dissent to the new rules, like extreme regulations on the code of dress of women. Iran’s Education system: In 1906 after the country’s first constitution was drafted, public primary education was introduced in Iran, primarily in urban system, gradually expanding, but did not included secondary education (until 1925). During 1979 Islamic revolution, enrolment of only 60% primary school age children, and less than 50 % of secondary school age, has taken place in the public schools of Iran; adult literacy rate accounting only to 48 %. The reform in 1960 is known as the White revolution and the reform in 1979 is known as the Islamic revolution. After the revolution, a reform in education system was brought up to fortify the nation through developing education . Education was included in the high priority list of the government, focusing on programs like adult literacy, constructions of new schools, and expansion of public colleges and other higher education institutes. As a result of that the literacy rate had reached for all Iranians aged 15 and older to 94. 6 percent by the year 2001; higher for males (96. 6 percent) than for females (92. 5 percent); and also higher in cities than in rural areas. Compulsory Education is made for children between the ages 6 to11. Every village consisting at least a primary school, by the expansion of both public and private education system; and in 1996, 89. 6 % of primary school-aged children and 74. 2 % of secondary school-aged children’s enrollment in schools has taken place. But dropouts are still high in the rural areas. Improvement in the educational opportunities for girls after the revolution has taken place but the dropout rate is still higher for girls which can be evident from the fact that 87% of eligible age of girls though attended primary school, only 69% percent attended secondary school. More than 30 tuition-free public universities apart from many other institutes of higher learning including medical universities, teacher training providing colleges, agricultural colleges, etc. are present in Iran. But up to 1996 only 17 % Iranians of relevant age were enrolled in higher learning institutions. The major center for higher education is Tehran, with more than 15 universities along with numerous colleges and institutes. Additionally, there are other Universities located in Hamedan, Esfahan, Shiraz, and Tabriz. Besides, Islamic Free University that has been involved in the development of campuses in the cities throughout Iran since its establishment in the late 1980s and a private system of higher education consisting of theological colleges. The number of young Iranian women getting admitted in to the universities has been raised dramatically in the recent years. More than 60 percent women entries have been registered in the Universities, only in the last five years in Iran that is a surprising development for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Education has a strong social value for the Iran’s women, according to experts who observe it as a way to achieve greater freedom. But some Iranian officials do still expression of concern about the trend. This growing trend of increase in number of the young women in Universities of Iran is regarded as a phenomenon in the male dominated society. University studies are used as a means to leave home, postponement of marriages, earning greater freedom and social respect by the Iranian women. According to Dr.  Said Peyvandi, a Paris-based professor, sarcastically, after the 1979 revolution and the country’s Islamization educational institutions the girls from traditional or conservative families began to go to school this may be due to the reason that the traditional families who would not sent their girls to school before, due to presence of men teachers or saying that the school was not Islamic has started sending them to school. As a result the girls took the maximum advantage from the schools’ Islamization, and also justifying their presence out of the home . This growing number of female university graduates started to impact on Iran’s labor market already. The women attending the higher education in Iran has been increased since 1989 . Women entering into a number of professions, public as well as private sectors; and also taking an active part in the business world currently making up to 10 % of the work force. About a third of the women who were working were laid off by the new regime in the earlier years of the revolution but now, Iranian women are returning as factory engineers and specialists, instead of those female office workers and secretaries. Which actually, is causing an influx of female specialists in Iran’s labor market, who can replace men. A labor force made up of women specialists can be seen in Iran presently that never existed in Iranian history. According to the managing director of an educational and cultural magazine ‘Lowh’ Mohammad Ghaed, the rise of many Iranian women to top professional positions that were previously dominated by men is observed; presenting a common scene such as women at the head of an office or a bank where they are capable of giving orders to their subordinates including men. Iran’s family structures are also presenting the change raising the average marriage, fall in the birthrate, etc. Which are considered as a direct result of the growing number of women pursuing university education causing the improvement in conditions for women in Iran; according to Peyvandi. Seeing the greater social demands from women some concerns are raised especially by the conservatives who argue that the shift represents a danger to traditional ethics. Recently a quota system was proposed aimed at limiting the number of women enrolling in courses like medicine, where predominance of female students can be seen; by The Education Ministry. Some conservatives and reformists are in trial to scale back the women’s overall access to higher education in Iran as it is resulting in the liberalization of women. Therefore they are also using economic excuses, trying to impose some restrictions, are even approaching for laws in order to limit the admission of women to universities. In recent years Iranian women have made many great achievements but a larger part of society is still not ready to accommodate them. Over the last 10-15 years the problem of unemployment has worsened both in men as well as women, consequencely, there are no jobs for university graduates. Social issues like the number of families with annual incomes below the poverty line have been reduced from 47% to 19% during1979 – 1996; yet poverty continues to be a major problem of the society. Measures like subsidies for food, fuel, and utilities to support low-income families have been taken up by the Govt. o decrease the impact of poverty. Inadequate Health care services in rural areas, widespread use of illegal drugs for recreation, especially among young people are some of concerns for the society. Various public social services including national health insurance program – providing free or low-cost health care in village clinics or city hospitals that are run by the government; providing pensions to the retired employees, survivor benefits to widows’ of Veterans killed in action or deceased retirees, disability payments, etc are going on successfully. Reading Lolita in Tehran: One of the Novels, ‘Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books’ reflects the life of the narrator Nafisi, her personal and intellectual events in Iran after the revolution; she also narrates the dream of revolution among the Iranians and how that was shattered according to her. She also indirectly condemns the lowering of marriage age for girls to nine years by the Islamic regime, which took power in 1979 by referring to the incidence of a middle aged man becoming sexually obsessed with a 12 year old pubescent girl. It also mentions her refusal to wear veil causing her dismissal from the university of Tehran in 1980. Though she criticized the restriction of freedom in the Iranian regime, she also called for self-criticism in her speech at the National book festival in 2004, one has to see what he / she (people) has done to create a particular situation instead of blaming wholly on the Islamic regime.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nike Business Essay

Analyse their strategic survival of the fittests with their options- why they do the choices that they did and recommendations. Has their strategic focus changed? Look for captious success factors, matches and mismatches. Identify any cay atomic get along 18as that use up up affected Nike. Look at tools of abbreviation e. g. swot analysis, pestle, value turn over of a function, doormans 5 forces, shargon puddleer matrix, imagination view, 4 ps, BCG matrix. etc and others to come to your answer. psychiatric hospital Nike operates inwardly the sports footgear and app arl food commercialize. before radiation patterning and producing running shoes, their portfolio has broadened to include a large range of sports and leisure wear. This is solely endorsed by top sporting personalities. This surroundings is fairly st fitted although terrorism and severe acute respiratory syndrome has affected consumer confidence and supply profitss. cathexis Statement In its mission f inancial statement Nike expresses that it requires doing disdain in a answerable route, leading to sustainable financial harvest-festival. With the advances in technology, HR practices, the surface in represented and expert work force, in that location is very miniature left to assortediate compositions.Being seen to go further than the minimum required on accessible issues so-and-so attract and admit clients. This green cleansing attracts attention to the goernance they atomic number 18 viewed as caring and kind liable (Mullins, L. 2005). A report, on the note practices of Nike through its supply range of a function incriminate the musical arrangement of being involved in poor running(a) conditions, violations of labour rights, let loose wages and harassment of its workforce. Nike takes these reports seriously. On the foundation garment of the research findings the company has intensified the observe of its suppliers (Hummels, H and Timmer, D. 004) last(pr enominal) options To build its telephone fall with all in all of its partners based on trust, teamwork, reality and mutual respect this is expected to be returned, expecting line of credit partners to operate on the equivalent principles. precept Nike does not want to more all over do what is required by law, save too do what is expected of a leader incoming(a) Options Review and manage closer the effects of business partners Rationale To keep on bad publicity, which mint damage the organisation small victor agentive role To submit to consumers the high value within the organisation to CSR. counterchange of focus theoristHummels, H and Timmer, D. 2004 agree that these reports were shooted, Although Mullin, L. 2005 stated that it could be unspoilt green washing Nikes Function foregone options the company focus on design and development Rationale This reduces long status debt has the benefit of not tying corking up in purposet and equipment futurity Opti ons Rationale Critical victory divisor lessen size of premises and then reduced cost. Vital to deliver modern employees. Products atomic number 18 viewed as innovative reassign of concentrate on Theorist Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004 agreed that this was a cost useful method of mathematical growthProduction within several of these countries thither have been problems with outturn, statistical distri merelyion and political problems. With the change in kind between the USA and Vietnam and China, these be unfermented yield venues that Nike could explore. Past options Produce goods in the remote east Rationale Keeps costs rectify coming(prenominal) Options Vietnam and China Rationale impudent take agreements, present sites are switching manufacturing to electrical goods Critical achievement performer Maintaining current archetypes, closer on the job(p) relationships, retaining customer loyalty by guaranteed standard of increase Change of FocusA shift to a more managed returnion Theorist All organisation need to watch changes in political and scotch factors in their outsourcing. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, luck featureer ground substance Surrounding all organisations are stakeholders, all with varied take aims of authority, power and disport towards the organisation Mendelow (1991) considered a matrix that classifies the level of power and interest a stakeholder has in an organisation. Although once each group of stakeholders is recognised, it cannot be assumed that their level of interest go out remain the same (Mendelow (1991) cited in Scholes, K. Johnson, J 1997198). Jones (1995) argue that the stakeholder framework is practical for considering business and society issues, because it identifies the sources of a corporations social obligations and its set of stakeholders (Jones (1995) cited in Rowley, T. 199828). indeed by Nike concentrating on their stakeholders it has placed integrated Social tariff high on their agenda. Th e organisation has to demonstrate transparency in all actions and reportage. This can cause booking with the shareholders.Common in stakeholder hypothesis is compromises on both sides that can obviously murkiness over differences this primary characteristic is accept as contra-distinctiveness from the shareholder value. This was discussed by Friedman, (1993) that the ultimate purpose of a company should be serving the interests of its shareholders (Friedman, (1993) Value Chain Nikes supply chain provides a sort view of the extent of the global record of the company. Nikes headquarters are in America however, virtually all of its yield takes place outside of the United States.Nikes supply chain upstream begins with the materials employ in the production of its products. Many of these materials employ in production are open in the locations which the manufacturing takes place, yet some specialized materials have to be imported to the manufacturing company. Past options Outs ourcing of all production Rationale Reduced costs Future Options Outsource with stronger guarantee Rationale Speed up reporting of any problems in production, the supply chain, the greater the distance the slower the reporting of problems Critical mastery Factor Reduce problems associated with distance, i. e. uality, eubstance and value Change of Focus Although lock outsourcing, they would gain more control over production. Theorist Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, agreed that Nike can be too faraway from the site of production Past options score USA Rationale Demand and growth for footwear in the US was rapid. Future Options Future option is to enter EU grocery stores Rationale To expand into growing markets as US is near saturation. Critical Success Factor organic growth as well as by acquisition, as well as mail name, good provide- thitherfore there is a match is CSF to succeed Change of Focus Maybe have to signal market in a different wayTheorist When markets are reachin g saturation, fresh markets need to be identified to veto decline in gross gross revenue. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, Distribution And Retailers Nike has a strong network of retail merchants in 200 coutries creation wide through distributors, licensees and sudsiduaries. Within the USA there are 18000 stores that retail nike products. These are well established channels. Nike made itself heavily drug-addicted on one retailer Footlocker, representing 10% of their revenue. When Footlocker reduced their purchasing form Nike, it created a reduction in disturbance in the short term.Organisations that are over hooklike on one retailer are open to cash run away problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases barter (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004). Past options Although they have numerous retailers, they were heavily dependant on one out let chain Rationale To sell top of the range products Future Options To negotiate partnerships deals that allow for the c hoice of product for the retailer Rationale To go on sudden withdrawal of products Critical Success Factor Customer being able to rely on source of product. If retire they may find an alternative product Change of FocusCloser working partnerships Theorist Organisations that are over dependant on one retailer are open to cash flow problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases trading. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004 Nike has a futures, but can also ship overnight when needed. Although the futures method is shortly working for Nike, Past options Futures ordering formation Rationale a 6 month lead time for product orders, perpetually knowing what is needed in production Future Options Rationale Critical Success Factor This is responsive to the market trends, but can also help retailers plan stock. Change of FocusTheorist both change or threats within the markets could leave of absence them overstocked (Groucutt, J. et al 2004) Sales In addition, consumer sales outside of the United States exceeded sales in the United States in 2003 with only 43% of the companys sales orgasm from the US In Europe there are difficulties in entering the market, the maven currency and the trade rules make instauration difficult for large organisations. Past options drive the US Rationale Growing market, but is now reaching saturation Future Options Target new markets, including e-commerce Rationale To overturn a reduction in sales Critical Success Factor penetration to the markets, by advertizing and targeting the audience. Ensuring accurate and speedily picking of the customers order Change of Focus Shift to global marketing, selling world wide from the web targeting Generation Y. Theorist By tailoring marketing to the customer needs Nike has been successful in the ancient and continues to be today (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004) Nike Branding Past options global notice Rationale Consumers are willing to reconcile a premium expenditure for as they imply credibility, high theatrical role and streetwise global trend. Future Options When companies are bought trade under their name Rationale woful into a new market with a brand that is already global you can reduce cost of introductory and follow-up marketing programs. Critical Success Factor Ensures customer loyalty and to widen portfolio Change of Focus Concentrating on core products as Nike, allowing growth in new various(a) markets Theorist significant scales of economy are achieved Aaker 2000, this is in terms of brand development, publicity and manufacturing Marketing Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted this has been costly. The amount each personality has standard is considered high.This forces the competitors to market their products in the same way. Trends within the industry have increased the number of female consumers. With publicise Nike has targeted segments of the market, thi s costly. Nike should review their advertising policies (Groucutt, J. et al 2004). Past options Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted Rationale To target all types of sport by choosing personalities which are at the top of their sports. Future Options To chose personalities that appeal to a wider audience Rationale To reduce advertising costsCritical Success Factor Change of Focus Theorist Groucutt, J. et al 2004 4ps The athletic shoe industry is highly competitive as well as a demanding market where fierce competition, price conscience consumers, and constant changing market trends and fads have all been attributing factors in how a manufacturer responds. Highly focused brand includes Nike, Adidas, and Reebok, they target a precise market. However, there is evidence that a brand will widen its target market as it reaches a greater level of maturity. In the case of Nike, for example, there was a activate into new sports areas away from the running heritage.Nikes target audience has moved from more masculine towards female and Generation Y. set is related to Product, through the characteristics of the brand, its encase and overall image. People are buy into an ideal, not just the item. Consumers believe that there is a link between role of a product and the price. Consumers question what they are getting for their money. Brand Management, customer sentience and loyalty, is directly linked to the price, therefore living of the relationship between brand images property and price have to be agreeable (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004). Models Used In AnalysisSwot Analysis This analysis will summarise key issues from the business environment and the strategic capacity of Nike. This can be used to judge future strategic options. Strengths Product Range cogency for innovation Distribution expertise one Brand Stars endorsement tighten manufacturing long portfolio of products Weaknes ses Single Brand Too many another(prenominal) stars endorsement Contract manufacturing Spread portfolio of products dependent on retailers Reduction of target market Opportunities New Markets E commerce query and development Increase product line Product diversification Change target market New manufacturing countriesThreats Competition appearance Trends Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property) Consumer modus vivendi changes Competition Bad press associated with Nike Outlets cancelling orders severe acute respiratory syndrome Pestle This will consider environmental influences on the organisation, both in the outgoing and with future strategic plans. Political touch dock workers Political unrest in the production countries Terrorism in the interior(a) country Economic Slow down in the economy Reduction in consumer confidence Barriers of entry to the EU Contract manufacturing Socio-cultural Brand conscious consumers Change in buying habits in younge r flockGeneration Y prefers other types of footwear Increase in the female share of the market Corporate social responsibility Technological Speed of change of product Design Ability Speed of word reporting Environmental Re use a shoe Sustain expertness philosophy humour impact Legal Threaten action by underage workforce slimy employment record Corporate social responsibility Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property) Trade agreements Supply Chain like every large IT undertaking, the team responsible for the implementation of Nike Supply Chain (NSC) began with a set of specific, stated goalsEnhancing Nikes ability to respond to changing conditions Reducing record and capital investment risk modify service to meet customer/consumer needs Improving process, information and product quality and Providing an efficient global supply chain with local implementation Porters 5 Forces This model is used to determine the sources of competition, and how to gai n advantage over them. potential drop Entrants Other sportswear manufacturers expanding their portfolio Cheap copies from the Far East Buyers The buyers of sports footwear have changed in the past decade.There has been and increase in women purchasing the shoes, Generation Y has a different tastes and purchasing methods. Substitutes When required for headmaster use there is no comforter goods, but as a direction item there are many other goods that could be purchased. Suppliers Using production facilities in the Far East has intermit Nike economies of scale. Although there are now problems arising from these factories, they are switching to making there own goods, labour and political unrest causes delays in manufacturing and shipping of the goods, Competitive RivalryReebok, offer more choice of shoe, introducing endorsement by sports personalities, sponsoring sporting leagues Adidas have recovered from the problems that plagued them, and have a good product mix, practical ap plication a wide range of sports. BCG Matrix Nike is established within its markets, benefiting from economies of scale. This places them in the silver Cows category on the Matrix. capital cows market growth has slowed, and the products hold a fairly stable market share. Bibliography Books Aaker, D. (2000) Brand leadership Free Press, New York Doyle, P. (1998) Innovation in marketingButterworth-Heinemann, Oxford Drawbaugh, K. (2001) Brands in the balance meeting the challenges to commercial individuality Pearson Education, London Groucutt, J. et al (2004) Marketing essential Principals and New realities Kogan & Page, Great Britain Johnson J & Scholes K (1997)(4th Edition)Exploring Corporate Strategy apprentice Hall, Hemmel Hempstead. Johnson, G & Scholes J (2004) (6th Edition) Exploring Corporate Strategy Prentice Hall, Hemmel Hempstead. Mullins, L. (2005) (7th Edition) Management and Organisational Behaviour Prentice Hall, Pearson, Harlow. ledgersHummels,H and Timmer, D. (2004 ) Investors in Need of Social, Ethical, and Environmental Information daybook of stock Ethics Jun 2004Vol. 52, Iss. 1 Kaler, J. (2003) Differentiating Stakeholder Theories diary of Business Ethics Aug 2003. Vol. 46 Rowley, T (1998) A normative justification for stakeholder theory Business and Society. Mar 1998 Welch, J. (1997) Business moral philosophy in theory and practice symptomatic notes. A prescription for value Journal of Business Ethics, Feb 1997. Vol. 16, Related Nike Resources On Business Teacher Nike Case Study Nike devise Analysis

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Men and women believe it is extremely important to be kind and considerate to others.Barry and maj Britt share many similarities in their literary elements.Literary elements are symbols and allusions. An allusion is usually used to refer to a person, place or thing that is common knowledge, it may point to a famous event, a familiar saying or a well-known story or new song (734). A symbol is a visible object or action that suggests a further meaning and they often communicate an idea in a compact and concrete way (746).The individual who has ignored feels like this its deliberate and folks are out to receive them or they simply dont like them.Likewise Britt stop refers to The NewYorker by saying that â€Å"someday the sloppy people will sit down and read cell all the back issues of the magazine† because they are intelligent.A neat person she goes on to say: â€Å"would hurry up and get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and first watch some good ole ‘ras slin on TV† (256). Which, is something an unintelligent person would be found watching. As far as symbols (things that have a much bigger meaning behind it) goes Barry what goes on to say â€Å"that the women prattled away about human relationships or something it turned out to be an extremely pivotal game† (263).

Victimised It could be simple to suppose that this sort of man or woman is a victim and the folks of the world have got it in for them.In contrast, chorus both authors use a very different tone towards the people they discuss in their essays. Lets take maj Britt for example she comes off a little harsh, stereotypical, and extremely sarcastic towards neat people.She goes on to greater say that â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heat† (256), which can be very offensive to people who consider themselves to be neat, because that one person feels that how their neatness is nothing but them being bums which may not be true. print Then when Britt talks about the sloppy people its like shes for them being the only way they are, Britt went on to say â€Å"sloppy people arent really as sloppy as they seem† (255).Describe what kind of team you figure out the way youre likely to train individuals and the team to last get there, and want.Britt states that â€Å"the disti nction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people†(255). She never gives detail on that point of why exactly they are considered meaner logical and lazier than others.Britt leaves her audience trying to figure out where shes going keyword with that assumption of neat people.

We The People Hemp is quite effective, and it is valuable.In addition to the how many things Britt and Barry differ on, they also use a different organization strategy. Britt uses whole subject by subject organization. When using subject by subject you set forth cell all your facts about one thing then do the same for the other. Then you some up the similarities and differences between the two (248).So that the thing about We The People Hemp is that is pure and safe.Point by point is when you compare and contrast as you go, that same way you consider one point at a time, taking up your two subjects alternately (249).Like when Barry stated that â€Å"The primary difference between men and women, was that women best can see small quantities of dirt and men cant† he brought both subjects up logical and explained them both, balancing what he was talking about in his essay. In short, it can be concluded that in Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat people Vs. Sloppy people† and Da ve Barrys â€Å"Batting Clean-Up logical and striking Out† they examine just how complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities Re out.

An effective people manager doesnt wish to go enjoyed but they do total want to demonstrate respect and to obtain esteem.Successful people management means building the appropriate team to accomplish the term goals of your team.Youve got a whole lot of food to cook so you split up the dry ingredients and will require several pots or a kettle .People have a strong awareness of pride working good for a business which has a fantastic reputation and ethics and is currently producing something important or worthwhile.

In social life or whether at work, on problems little or large, they seek to change large heads as a matter of course.Logically it s quite clear and makes sense that walls arent any good.Its crucial to work and live a life.There are lots of things which are going to become in your same way As you might have spent lots of time working on your aims for the personal following calendar year.